I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy Mother's Day some have
children in Heaven , Some here on earth and some that have children that feel like their own. A mother is special person
that no one can replace the love and the bond is forever. So no matter here are childmay be know tey love you more than you
will ever know.
Someone said to me, Dustin is not gone he is happier than he has ever
been in life. Which is all hard for me to grasp still but I do love both of my kids more than life. Tiffany my daughter is
a wonderful daughter and a mom too.
Please accept this bouquet of your Birhday Month Flowers from your Angel
knowing they did not forget Mother's day and they send all their love and kisses to you today and every day.
(If I have forgot anyone please email me and anyone else wanting to join
our moms plase email Click on picture to enlarge to read your special message)
Happy Mother's Day
Love and hugs Patti and Angel Dustin

Mother Prayer
Dear Lord, today we pray for mothers-- our own mothers,
and mothers everywhere, who have made such a major contribution to the good qualities we have, sometimes through
genetics, more often through great effort and patient instruction, and who have done their best to gently polish
away our rough edges. Lord, please bless our mothers for the endless hours of time they spent and the boundless energy
they invested in us. Bless our mothers for their sacrifices on our behalf as they often gave up or deferred their own
dreams so that we could have ours. Bless our mothers for always being there for us, for being the person we know
we can turn to when we need comfort, encouragement, or just a hug. Bless our mothers for making a home for us where
we could feel safe, where we felt we belonged. Most of all, Lord, bless our mothers for their unconditional love, for
loving us no matter what, and for frequently showing love in ways that make us feel valued and cherished. Lord, please
bless our mothers mightily. Strengthen them, soothe them, wrap them in Your infinite love and shower them with blessings too
numerous to count, too magnificent to describe. We love them, admire them, respect them, and we wish that You would
give them back many times the good they gave to us. In Jesus' name we pray; Amen.
By Joanna Fuchs


January Mum
Jacob McLeod-Steinmetz

Lola Cross
January Mom
Angel Troy

Rosemarie (Rose) McPhee
January Mom
My son Name is Leo Louis McPhee

Debbie Clement
January Gma

Dj French
February Mom
Shane Short

Joshua Hedglin
Monika Hedglin
Febuary Mom

Ryan DeAndrea

Happy Mothers Day!
Patti Rawls (March Mom) Dustin Rawls

Dessa Smith
March Mom
Joseph Eldon Smith

Angie( March Mom) Dustin's mom www.dustinhamilton.com

Saralyn Smith
March Mom

Theresa Mom

April Mom

April Mom

Cheryl Cade
April Mom
Joshua Aaron Cade (no website)

Connie Knopka
May Mom
is Michelle Knopka Mazzagati

Lucinda Beard
May Mom

Candy Young
May Mom

Donna James
June Mom
Corey & Michelle (son and daughter in-law)